Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Welcome Alexander!

Just a quick update for now... still in the hospital! I will post pictures later...

I was induced on July 27th at 8:30 AM. I had terrible back labor for 9 hours, 4 1/2 of which was just trying to push him out. He got stuck on my pelvic bone and came out with a giant hematoma on his head. He had strange symptoms that suggested trouble with his brain right away, so was sent to the NICU for monitoring. In the NICU, he had a giant seizure. He was given medication for the seizure, as well as antibiotics for possible meningitis. We were terrified of that as well as the possibility of a genetic seizure disorder.

Today, we received the best news possible: he has a small brain bleed in the right frontal lobe caused by the traumatic birth, and which will most likely be reabsorbed with no long term consequences.

Alex will be monitored with head ultrasounds for the next week to make sure the bleed is reabsorbed and doesn't get larger. I will stay here at the hospital with him to work on breastfeeding, and just being his Mommy. We can't wait to take him home!


SomeGurrrl—GreenDigitalist said...

Saw your link on CircleSanc's healing circle. Lighting a white candle and sending wishes to Hygeia, (where 'hygiene' = the 'healthful art' came from: Goddess of Healing for him.

Many Blessings.
Also said a little something to Artemis, Tawaret, and Gaia, for you both.

AkasaWolfSong said...

I too saw your link on Circle Sanc's healing prayer list...
Please know that I hold sweet wee one and family close to my heart.
You all are in my thoughts and prayers!!!!

Sending Healing Reiki ....

May Goddess Kwan Yin surround you all in peaceful energy and healing waters...

Many Blessings...

Elaine M. Sommers said...

Just received the mail asking for healing. Myself and my two young daughters, Alice 7yrs and Sally 6yrs are sending you our healing love and will also light a candle and ask the spirits and the Goddess to watch over you all.
Blessings from England,
Elaine, Alice and Sally