Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I got good news at my 2 week cervical length check at the high risk clinic! My cervix is now 3.6 cm (it was 3.3, I think, 2 weeks ago)! The technician said that the difference could be just due to different techs doing the measurement. I don't care - I'll take it!

I was greatly relieved because I had cluster contactions again Monday night. My OB is on Spring break, so I had to talk to one of her partner's nurses Tuesday morning, who was also really good. That is just such a good clinic. She said that I could take 400-800 mg of ibuprofen that day, but no more. And I couldn't take ibuprofen for more than 3 days. It's supposed to be a temporary fix for cluster contractions in mid-pregnancy. It did the trick! I also rested at home and drank gallons of fluids. I felt much better.

I can't think of anything that would have "brought it on" Monday night. My OB did say that it is really normal for many women to have braxton hicks starting around this time. I was also told that with Alden, but it didn't turn out to be benign contractions in that case. So it is really hard to know if my contractions are safe or not, and I am just so happy, again, that I am being taken VERY seriously this time, watched like a hawk, and the clinic's doors are open any time I want to get checked out. Like I said: PHEW!

Another perk of going to the high risk clinic for cervical lengths every 2 weeks: 4D ultrasound pics!! Here's the latest of Thumper (taking a rare moment to sleep!), 21 weeks, 4 days today. Heart rate: 150. Hubby said that it looks like Thumper is crying in this pic - must be the amniotic fluid, because on the screen, we watched him/her smiling in his/her sleep...

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